New technology based on clamping for high gradient radio frequency photogun
David Alesini, Antonio Battisti, Massimo Ferrario, Luca Foggetta, Valerio Lollo, Luca Ficcadenti, Valerio Pettinacci, Sean Custodio, Eylene Pirez, Pietro Musumeci, and Luigi Palumbo
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 092001 – Published 15 September 2015
New 1.4 Cell RF Photoinjector Design for High Brightness Beam Generation
Eylene Pirez, David Alesini, Jared Maxson, Pietro Musumeci
2017 - 4 pages
- (2017-01)
- DOI: 10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2016-THA2CO03
- Conference: C16-10-09, p.THA2CO03
- Proceedings
Abstract (JACoW)
The new electromagnetic and mechanical designs of the S-band 1.4 cell photoinjector are discussed. A novel fabrication method is adopted to replace the brazing process with a clamping technique achieving lower breakdown probability. The photoinjector is designed to operate at a 120 MV/m gradient and an optimal injection phase of 70 degrees to improve the extraction field by a factor of 1.9 compared to standard 1.6 cell designs with the same peak field. New geometries and features are implemented to improve beam quality for the demand of high brightness beam applications.
NASA's Cassini Mission to Saturn at Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) Jr. Engineer.
Instrument of Operation:
WAC (Wide Angle Camera) and NAC (Narrow Angle camera) temperature and voltage controls
Astronomy Series with eHow geared toward children and students.
UC Berkeley Interferometer at Mt. Wilson, CA. (
The Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI) is operated by the University of California at Berkeley. The ISI system consists of three 65-inch telescopes, all mounted in separate trailers to allow them to be spaced at different distances and angles from each other.The ISI telescopes, spaced up to 85 meters apart, observe the sky at mid-infrared wavelengths and combine the starlight received in the individual telescopes. High-resolution images of red-giant and Mira-type variable stars can be constructed from the combined starlight. The incoming starlight from each telescope is mixed with laser light before being combined. This allows the instrument to work more like a radio astronomical interferometer than an optical interferometer.